Week 11: Digital Identity

My favorite video this week was “Identity in a digital world” by Alec Couros. This week, as discussion leader, my group came up with a handful of thought provoking questions to get the class talking. One of the most interesting questions to me was “81% percent of children will have a digital identity by the age of 2. Do you find this concerning? Why or why not?” 

Personally, I find this statistic to be incredibly alarming and scary, especially considering the amount of creepy people that are on the internet. This statistic made me think a lot about family vloggers on Youtube, and how these kids are being forced to have their faces all over the internet at a very young age. This is alarming because children, at least in my opinion, really do not understand the gravity of the internet and what it means that millions of people are watching their everyday lives. This begs the question, when is a proper age of consent for the internet? Should parents be posting photos and videos of their kids? If I am being quite honest, I do not know what the answers are, but the more and more I learn about the internet, the less and less I want young children to be on it. 

Identity in a digital world | Alec Couros –16 minutes —

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